BioExcel Events

20th Congress of GGMM (Groupe de Graphisme et Modelisation Moleculaire)
This event, of particular interest for French-speaking BioExcel users, will take place on 9th-11th May 2017 in Reims, France. For more information, visit the website.

BioExcel/PRACE Spring School 2017 - HPC for Life Sciences
Date: Monday 10 – Thursday 13 April 2017 Venue: KTH Main Campus, Stockholm, Sweden - How to get here Application opens: 23rd January 2017 Application deadline: Friday [...]

Workshop on Hybrid Methods in Molecular Simulation
BioExcel is sponsoring the first workshop on Hybrid Methods in Molecular Simulation that will be held on April 3-4 at the Sala SEARCH of the [...]

Pasteur course - Bioinformatics of protein-protein interactions
The Institut Pasteur in Paris regularly holds 'ecole thématique' - courses for a variety of biological needs. Alexandre Bonvin, of BioExcel partner Utrecht University, and [...]

CECAM Workshop: Ion Transport from Physics to Physiology: the Missing Rungs in the Ladder
BioExcel is sponsoring this workshop held by CECAM (Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire). It will be held from April 3 to April 5, 2017 [...]

Hünfeld 2017: Workshop on Computer Simulation and Theory of Macromolecules
The Hünfeld 2017 workshop will be held again this year, hosted by the Max Planck Institute (a BioExcel partner). Dear colleagues, In the post-genomic era [...]

PATC Course: Simulation Environments for Life Sciences
There is still time to reigister for BSC's next PATC course. The course will make the attendants familiar with simulation technologies used in Life Sciences and [...]

International Symposium on Grids and Clouds (IGSC'17) - Taipei, Taiwan
Representatives from BioExcel will be attending this conference, which may be of interest to BioExcel users. As part of ISGC'17, we are co-organising a 3-day [...]

PATC Course: Programming Distributed Computing Platforms with COMPSs
Registrations are invited for the next PATC course at Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, Barcelona, Spain, on 2nd February 2017. Target group: (All courses are designed for specialists [...]

HiPEAC 2017
The annual HiPEAC conference for 2017 will take place in Stockholm from 23-25 January. The HiPEAC conference is the premier European forum for experts in computer [...]

European HPC Birds-of-a-Feather Session at SC16
We are pleased to announce our attendance at the European HPC Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) session at SC16 organised by EXDCI (ETP4HPC). See the following announcement from [...]

Netherlands Society on Biomolecular Modelling Autumn Meeting
Alexandre Bonvin of BioExcel partner Utrecht University hosted this meeting on 16th November 2016. The Netherlands Society on Biomolecular Modelling (NSBM) is an independent society [...]

VI-SEEM Life Sciences regional training
BioExcel was presented at this event in Belgrade, Serbia on 19th October 2016. The topic of the session was 'VI-SEEM e-Infrastructure services, Molecular Dynamics Simulations [...]

GROMACS hackathon 2016
Get together with core GROMACS developers from around the world to hack together on code! Bring your own laptop and coding problem - new integrator, [...]

Digital Infrastructures for Research 2016
We will be attending the Digital Infrastructure for Research event in Krakow, Poland, from 28th-30th September 2016. BioExcel users may find this event of interest. "Europe's leading e-infrastructures, [...]

BioExcel 1st Annual Meeting: "Advanced Simulations for Biomolecular Research” SIG @ ECCB 2016
SIG BioExcel is a major venue for knowledge exchange and networking for the computational biomolecular research community. It brings together stakeholders of 1) core applications [...]

Gordon Research Conference: Theory and Simulation Across Scales in Molecular Science
BioExcel will present a talk as part of this conference to be held in Girona, Spain on July 24-29, 2016. Modesto Orozco from IRB Barcelona [...]

Lifelong Learning in the Biomedical Sciences
Please join EMBL for this conference in Heidelberg, Germany, where BioExcel will be presented. Late registration for this conference is still available and can be [...]

Course: Integrative modelling of biomolecular interactions
Alexandre Bonvin is one of the organizers of the upcoming EMBO course on 4 – 9 July 2016 in Barcelona, Spain. About the practical [...]