BioExcel Events

RNA: Structure, Dynamics and Function - Workshop

RNA: Structure, Dynamics and Function - Workshop

24 May, 2016 - 27 May, 2016    
09:00 - 17:00
Please join us for this workshop, at which BioExcel partner IRB Barcelona will present. The aim of the workshop is to bring together a number [...]
Workshop: GROMACS on highly parallel and heterogeneous platforms

Workshop: GROMACS on highly parallel and heterogeneous platforms

19 May, 2016 - 20 May, 2016    
All Day
Update: stream link, further information and schedule are here: This workshop brings together most of the core development team of GROMACS. Latest and upcoming [...]
Tool Registry Hackathon

Tool Registry Hackathon

18 May, 2016 - 20 May, 2016    
09:00 - 17:00
A hackathon bringing together developers from the ELIXIR Tools & Data Services Registry, Galaxy, Taverna, Arvados, CWL, ReGaTE and EDAM ontology, with Galaxy instance providers [...]
PRACE Spring School 2016 and E-CAM Tutorial on Molecular and Atomic Modelling

PRACE Spring School 2016 and E-CAM Tutorial on Molecular and Atomic Modelling

16 May, 2016 - 20 May, 2016    
09:00 - 17:00
The PRACE Spring School 2016 and E-CAM Tutorial will take place in Dublin, Ireland, from 16-20 May 2016. Erik Lindahl from BioExcel partner KTH, will [...]
16 May

ExTASY Tutorial: Tools for Advanced Sampling of Macromolecular Systems

16 May, 2016 - 17 May, 2016    
09:00 - 17:00
Please join us on this two-day tutorial course to be held at EPCC in Edinburgh on the 16th and 17th of May 2016. “This tutorial [...]
HPC Summit Week

HPC Summit Week

09 May, 2016 - 12 May, 2016    
All Day
BioExcel is participating in two workshops within the HPC Summit Week in Prague. The first one is the EXDCI workshop, that will take place on Monday [...]
Workshop: Addressing training needs for advanced simulations in biomolecular research

Workshop: Addressing training needs for advanced simulations in biomolecular research

03 May, 2016 - 04 May, 2016    
09:00 - 17:30
BioExcel is inviting to a workshop on addressing training needs for advanced simulations in biomolecular research. The workshop will be hosted by the EMBL-European Bioinformatics [...]
25 Apr

EASC 2016: Exascale Applications and Software Conference

25 Apr, 2016 - 29 Apr, 2016    
09:00 - 17:00
The BioExcel project partners will be presenting at EASC 2016 in Stockholm on April 25-29.2323 To find out more and register for the conference, visit [...]
Course: Advanced methods for the integration of diverse structural data with NMR data

Course: Advanced methods for the integration of diverse structural data with NMR data

11 Apr, 2016 - 15 Apr, 2016    
09:00 - 13:15
The course aims at training young researchers in the combined use of NMR data with other structural biology techniques, such as SAXS, X-ray diffraction or [...]
17 Mar

VIB Conference: Applied Bioinformatics in Life Sciences

17 Mar, 2016 - 18 Mar, 2016    
09:00 - 17:00
BioExcel’s partner VIB, a life sciences research institute in Flanders, Belgium, offers a structured program of international conferences in various research fields. In March 2016 [...]
14 Mar

PATC Course: Simulation Environments for Life Sciences

14 Mar, 2016 - 15 Mar, 2016    
All Day
This PATC course was run by BSC on 14th & 15th March 2016. The course will make the attendants familiar with simulation technologies used in [...]


07 Mar, 2016 - 08 Mar, 2016    
09:00 - 17:00
BioExcel participated in, and Ian Harrow led a breakout session on 'pre-competitive collaboration' at this event on 7-8 March 2016 in Hinxton, UK. Find out [...]
29 Feb

Workshop: In silico tools in drug design and target discovery

29 Feb, 2016    
09:00 - 17:00
This is a one-day workshop organized from the Spanish Network of Supercomputation (RES) with the aims to illustrate the use of high performance computing in [...]
04 Feb

PATC Course: Programming Distributed Computing Platforms with COMPSs

04 Feb, 2016    
09:00 - 17:00
This course was held by BSC on 4th February 2016. The objectives of this course are COMPSs is a programming model which is able to [...]
11th Concertation Meeting for H2020 e-Infra Projects

11th Concertation Meeting for H2020 e-Infra Projects

09 Nov, 2015    
09:00 - 17:00
BioExcel participated in the 11th e-Concertation Meeting for e-Infrastructure projects funded by the H2020 program, which took place in Brussels on November 9th. Nine e-infrastructures [...]
EXDCI workshop and collaboration

EXDCI workshop and collaboration

29 Sep, 2015 - 30 Sep, 2015    
The EXDCI (European eXtreme Data and Computing Initiative) project has started in September 2015 to coordinate the development and implementation of a common strategy for [...]
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