BioExcel Events

PATC Course: Simulation Environments for Life Sciences 2018
This PATC course was run by BSC on 14th & 15th March 2018. The course will make the attendants familiar with simulation technologies used in [...]

Applied Bioinformatics in Life Sciences Conference
Registration is now open for the second edition of the Applied Bioinformatics in Life Sciences Conference (A VIB Science Conference) As an integral part of [...]

INSTRUCT practical course on Advanced methods for the integration of diverse structural data (3rd edition) - Florence (IT)
About the Practical Course The course aims at training young researchers in the combined use of data from various structural techniques, such as SAXS, X-ray [...]

Molecular Perspectives on Protein-Protein Interactions + iNext workshop on Macromolecular interactions
The conference aims to gather scientists from molecular cell biology, biochemistry, structural biology, biophysics and bioinformatics to explore the important field of protein-protein interactions. The [...]

Hands-on Introduction to HPC for Life Scientists
Date: Wednesday 29th November - Friday 1st December 2017 Venue: EPCC, James Clerk Maxwell Building (JCMB 3305), University of Edinburgh Application opens: Sunday June 23 2017 [...]

BioExcel Community Forum (22-23 November, 2017)
Join us in Amsterdam for BioExcel's first Community Forum A networking event with a programme of small interactive working groups aligned with the BioExcel Interest [...]

Biophysical Characterisation of Macromolecules and Quantification of Biomolecular Interactions
What is this course about? The course aims to provide the theoretical background of popular biophysical methods that are often used in relation to Structural [...]

Revolutions in Structural Biology
Topics X-ray crystallography Electron microscopy Modelling, bridging scales to systems biology Structural biology in health and disease Radiation - photons, neutrons and electrons Why attend? [...]

HPC Connects - Supercomputing 2017
SC17, one of the major HPC conferences of year, takes place in Denver, Colorado, from 12-17 November 2017. You will be able to see and [...]

From Single- to Multiomics: Applications and Challenges in Data Integration
The current speed at which novel high-throughput technologies are developed and large-scale biological data are produced offers tremendous opportunities for enhancing our molecular understanding of [...]

EMBL-EBI Structural Bioinformatics 2017
The 2017 iteration of the EMBL-EBI Structural Bioinformatics course will have a session on molecular docking using HADDOCK. You can already register your interest to attend [...]

9th International Conference on Structural Biology
The 9th International Conference on Structural Biology will highlight and cover, among others, some very interesting topics: Track-2 Computational Approaches in Structural Biology Computational approaches are [...]

Biophysical Society Thematic Meeting: Conformational Ensembles from Experimental Data and Computer Simulations
This event, hosted by the Biophysical Society, may be of interest to BioExcel users. Structural biology increasingly relies on combining information from multiple sources of [...]

2017-07-21 ISMB/ECCB 2017, Prague
The international joint conference Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology / European Conference on Computational Biology, ISMB/ECCB 2017, takes place in Prague this July (2017-07-21 / 2017-07-25), [...]

Foundation skills for HPC in computational biomolecular research - BioExcel Summer School
Date: Monday 3 - Friday 7 July 2017 Venue: European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) - Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SD, United Kingdom Application opens: Friday [...]

Gordon Research Conference 2017 - Computational Aspects - Biomolecular NMR
Applications are invited for this Gordon Research Conference, which will take place in Newry, Maine in June 2017. Applications should be received no later than [...]

50th Course: Integrative Structural Biology
Over the last 50 years, crystallography has developed from a method capable of determining the structures of isolated, soluble proteins to one able to provide [...]

Free Energy Calculations from Molecular Simulation: Applications in Life and Medical Sciences
We would like to invite you to participate in our upcoming one-day CompBioMed/BioExcel meeting on Free Energy Calculations from Molecular Simulation on Wednesday 31st May [...]

Instruct Biennial Structural Biology Meeting 2017
The 3rd Instruct Biennial Structural Biology Meeting, which will take place in Brno, Czech Republic, from May 24 till May 26, 2017. Brno is the [...]

GROMACS 2017 Hackathon: Exascale Data Generation and Analysis for MD Simulation
Registration is now open for the 2017 GROMACS Hackathon! The GROMACS Hackathon is an event held for GROMACS users and developers to get together and [...]