BioExcel is a sponsor of this school, which is hosted by the Max Planck Tandem Group in Computational Biophysics of the University of Los Andes.
The goal of the school is to bring a selected group of renowned scientist to provide the state of the art of computer simulations of biological membranes and of free energy calculations of biomolecular systems. They will illustrate the physico-chemical principles, applications, and challenges of biomembrane simulations and of free energy calculations. Furthermore, the participants will get familiarized with the available packages for computer simulations through hands on sessions. In addition, they will also have the opportunity to present their work in oral and poster contributions. A session will also be dedicated to highlight the recent experimental advances, complementary to the simulations, to study biological membranes.
Speakers include Bert de Groot, Gerhard Hummer, Vytautas Gapsys, Andrés González, Helgi Ingolfsson, Chad Leidy, Gian Pietro Miscione, Esteban Vohringer-Martinez, and Thomas Walz.
The registration deadline is June 15th, 2018. To register, and for more information, visit the website.