Webinar: MDAnalysis; interoperable analysis of biomolecular simulations in Python (2021-10-12)

By |September 20, 2021|Categories: Webinars|

The MDAnalysis developers provide an overview of this package and its latest release.

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Webinar: Applying the Accelerated Weight Histogram method to alchemical transformations (2021-03-30)

By |March 10, 2021|Categories: Webinars|

Berk Hess and Magnus Lundborg describe how alchemical free energies can be computed using the Accelerated Weight histogram method

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Webinar: NB-LIB: A performance portable library for computing forces and energies of multi-particle systems (2021-03-11)

By |February 18, 2021|Categories: Webinars|

Joe Jordan and Sebastian Keller introduce the GROMACS-associated NB-LIB library for computation of multi-particle forces and energies

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