7th CAPRI Evaluation Meeting
Rodrigo Ochoa attended the 7th CAPRI Evaluation Meeting held at [...]
Recordings of the presentations during the workshop on “Sharing Data from Molecular Simulations”
BioExcel supported the first workshop on “Sharing Data from Molecular [...]
The BioExcel/PDBe Hackathon: in situ development of computational resources
One month after the BioExcel/PDBe Hackathon, Diego, Panos and Brian share [...]
GROMACS 2018 workshop in Gottingen
The 2018 GROMACS workshop was held in Gottingen aimed at people [...]
BioExcel: building a FAIR bioinformatics environment
BioExcel was present in the last bioinformatics event from the [...]
Supporting the Pharmaceutical Industry: BioExcel experts visit UCB’s R&D site in Belgium
BioExcel continues its direct support to industry through site visits. [...]