BioExcel supports establishment of FAIR principles in biomolecular simulations
After decades of development, Molecular Dynamics (MD) has reached maturity. [...]
BioExcel supported the LIGATE Computer-Aided Drug Design workflow
Alchemical free energy calculations, commonly used in computer-aided drug design, [...]
The BioExcel HADDOCK webserver reaches 50K worldwide users
The BioExcel HADDOCK integrative modelling software has been offered as [...]
Efficient Molecular Dynamics simulations with GROMACS on LUMI
(The post appeared first on, courtesy of Rasmus [...]
BioExcel awarded Certificate of Excellence in Research Infrastructure leadership
BioExcel has been awarded the Certificate of Excellence in Research [...]
BioExcel Building Blocks recognised by European Commission Innovator Radar
BioExcel Building Blocks (biobb) has been identified as an 'Exploring' innovation by the European Commission’s Innovation Radar initiative