We are pleased to announce financial subsidy provided by BioExcel in form of UP TO 10 FIXED AMOUNT SUPPORT GRANTS for students or early career scientists who wish to attend this year’s workshop on “Computer Simulation and Theory of Macromolecules” happening on April 20-21 2018 in the Huenfeld Monastery. Especially researchers in tight financial situations shall be supported with this grant allowing them to present their results and interact with the scientific community despite lack of funds. The scientific merit and relevance of the contribution will be evaluated based on the submitted abstract by the organizers.
The bursary is to be used to defray the cost of travel and to contribute to the cost of subsistence, such as accommodation and the cost of registration. Payment of max 240 Euro (120 Euro per day of the workshop) will be carried out by the sponsor BioExcel after the event. To claim reimbursement you must send the original receipts, the completed claim form, course certificate of attendance and evidence of a completed feedback survey within 6 weeks of the event. The sponsor cannot pay out more than the total value on the receipts.
You are further required to write a blog post (300-400 words, incl. one photo) upon your return. Your report may be published on the BioExcel website and publicised via social media. The grants are open to researchers from any country of origin if they fulfill the following eligibility criteria:
- You are a student or early career scientist from an academic institution
- You did not receive travel funding from BioExcel in the past 12 month
- You intend to give an oral presentation or to present a poster
- Your institution is not a partner on the BioExcel CoE (list here)
Requested are:
- Workshop registration at http://www.mpibpc.mpg.de/grubmueller/huenfeld/registration
- Your scientific abstract
- An explanation demonstrating the financial need and the benefits for you and your
research through the workshop participation (no more than ONE A4 page) - Your CV
- A letter of support from your supervisor or senior co-worker on headed paper including
Please let us know if you would be able to attend if not in receipt of the grant.
The application documents shall be submitted as single PDF file (labelled: Huenfeld2018_YourName) via email to the workshop management office eheinem1@gwdg.de by February 20, 2018 at the latest. Notifications about acceptance will be distributed by March 9, 2018 at the latest.
We are looking forward to receiving your travel grant application!