Issue 27 | August 2020
Dear reader,

The Innovative Medicines Initiative has provisionally selected 8 projects for funding from its fast-track call for proposals on coronavirus diagnostics and treatments. Among these projects,
Corona accelerated R&D in Europe (CARE) was selected for funding which will involve the HADDOCK software.

Don't forget to register for our upcoming webinars on BioExcel Building Blocks and Summer School 2020 Edition featuring biomolecular simulations talks spanning allosteric enzyme activation, molecular machine dynamics and protein decay in the context of heritage science.

Michelle Mendonca
Dissemination Officer

IMI announces COVID projects, boosts funding to EUR 72 million

The awarded projects form part of the European Commission’s wider response to the coronavirus outbreak which includes developing diagnostic devices that can be used anywhere and deliver fast results.

Making remote training more accessible

Read the poster presented at the ISMB 2020 Conference on the lessons learnt from running our remote course programme.

BioExcel CoE supporting the development of COVID-19 treatments

BioExcel was featured on the European Commission website highlighting our research in support of COVID-19 treatments.


Computational biomolecular simulation workflows with BioExcel Building Blocks | 10 September
Student Webinar: Summer School 2020 Edition | 15 September

Training Events

Structural Bioinformatics (Virtual), 23 - 27 November

This course is aimed at scientists utilising structural data in their analysis. Learn about structure prediction and docking using HADDOCK and PHYRE2. Applications close 18 September
Structural Bioinformatics banner
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